What is a meme?

 According to merriam-webster meme is a funny interesting image or video clip that are spread widely on the internet through social media.

A meme can be based on picture or a video most of the time memes are a short text written on a picture or the video from your favorite movie, drama or it can something from real life events.

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Funny pictures take over the internet like crazy! We call them memes, but where did they come from? Get ready to explore the world of memes!

Meme Gene: A Cool Science Name

The word "meme" sounds fancy, but it started with a scientist named Richard Dawkins. In his book way back in 1976, he talked about how ideas spread like genes. The internet took that idea and ran with it, using "meme" for funny pictures that spread fast.

Lots of Silly Animals and Pictures!

There are many kinds of memes, like different animals in the jungle! Here are a few:

  • Funny Pictures with Words: Like "Bad Luck Brian," these pictures show something funny and then have words that explain it.
  • Feeling Pictures: Maybe you see a picture of a kid winning a race. That happy feeling picture shows you how you might feel too!
  • Advice Animals: Ever see a grumpy cat with funny words? Those are advice animals, kind of like silly teachers in the meme jungle!
  • Comic Strips You Can Change: Imagine a comic strip where you can change the words to make it new every time! That's what some memes are like.
  • Quick Funny Videos: Remember "Charlie bit my finger"? Short videos that make you laugh spread super fast online, just like cheetahs in the jungle!

Memes Keep Changing!

The best part about memes is they keep getting new! Just like the jungle changes, new funny pictures and ideas pop up all the time. So next time you see a meme, remember it's part of a wild and funny online world!

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